Releasing Imprints

Mentoring on Imprints and how to Release them

Do you remember the story of the Dolphin as mediating the unconscious waters and Gifting back the pearl to the child?

Here is the next fragment that revealed itself enabling me now to start addressing the healing work way back into my own family lineages, releasing that imprint which was embedded in my DNA and Cellular memories.

I am sharing here how I do the tracking work so you learn how to use those skills yourself. The tracking is for me an organic process, it works as I am connected to my soul, this has not always been the way before. I would get visions and dream images and just paint them and wait for them to reveal their wisdom and truth.

My dearest mother as a young woman was a truly powerful all round swimmer in the Mediterranean waters. Here is how her connection to her heart and a fragment of her soul got lost and drowned. What started to be a normal day, turned into a nightmare, creating trauma imprints into her still adolescent, affecting her relationship to her own mother and leaving deep scars into her own life. Those imprints were then handed down to me when my soul chose her as my mother, since our stories were connected I am sure.

While going to the sea for a swim, her half brother drowned. He was a few years older than my mother who was about 16 then. Her mother went in shock and started blaming my mother alive for that loss. Mum took this negative imprint deep into herself. Sadly she closed the door to her own feelings and to her heart, as her mother was unable to give her any support to process her own loss! She lost a part of herself which drowned in the family’s loss.

She had not only lost the connection to her own mother blaming her; but she was in  deep shock herself, encountering death and loss of her half brother too! That is when the pearl went into the unconscious waters and locked a part of my mother’s soul within that too leaving her broken hearted.

Soul Incarnating In Matter

So Tracking back that story of how the imprint was created enables to see with clarity when and where the trauma happened and what are the fragments that need redemption . You can then leave the story line, not placing any blame in any form upon any one as this would be creating more imprints!!!

So those are basic skills supporting the transformation process on how to redeem those lost fragments with the power of the soul holding compassion, empathy, forgiveness and gratitude.

One of my task was to address this process of tracking and then releasing and reclaiming lost of frozen fragments embedded within my own family lineages. So thanks to the mediation of the dolphin who gifted the pearl to the child of faith and innocence deep release could happen up and down the lineages. You can see in the above dream painting the embedded soul in matter held trapped under the seas.

When releasing that imprint of the trauma, it matters to see with as much clarity as possible how it affected each one since the family field is interwoven and needs clearing too.

That is how this fragment came to me with that dream, so I might be able to transform this death and loss imprints which had been held hidden while being fully charged with unresolved trauma, issues of losses and broken hearts playing out within the lineages on and on till those imprints are cleared.

When imprints are fully removed and cleared we get back to divine Blue Print allowing the flow of creative energies to flow freely, as those trauma imprints will no longer be active in our family history nor descendants blocking the flow of life’s force!

Gifting Water Pearls Supporting all Life