One morning very early, just as the sun was surging over the horizon, walking as usual, she noticed the tide was high and the frothy sea touched her feet. She stood, stilling her heart beat, watching the horizon come alive with the sun rising. She intuitively felt that today was different, she knew that magic was in the air.
Gazing in the far distance, she watched a field of radiance rising upon the horizon, till she made the shape of a boat in rainbow colours surfing the waves on the horizon’s radiance shining forth all around lighting the waves! Bee opened her mouth letting out a cry of total surprise.
She rubbed her eyes, thinking that she was day dreaming, however to her amazement the vision did not disappear,it kept on drawing closer and closer towards the first breaking waves and the shore-line where she was standing bare feet.
The Lady of Abundance for all Life, was the Lady of the Waters too, she arrived, her large cloak of rainbow colours: violets, indigo, Blues, greens, oranges and yellows wrapped around her shoulders; she smiled at the child pulling in closer to where she stood upon the wet sandy beach.
Life’s abundance gifted
Gifts of feminine wisdom in her arms born from the depth of her own soul for she was the Lady of the Deepest well of Life, She who nurtures, sees, listens, witnesses, cares for Life and the Soul within Life.
She is a feminine Archetypal energy that belongs with valuing all life and mirroring back to each of us how abundance, presence, empathy, nurturing just flows from one heart to another heart; when we start relating fully aligned and true with feminine values.
She comes in sailing brightly to teach the child within each one of us, for she is the Lady of Abundance radiating the heart of Love Herself.
Carrying life’s gifts she sailed upon the waters.
Child’s healing Story
Stepping on the shore, she gently speaks to the child. I have heard your call and have been drawn towards you as your heart of innocence and longing called my name. The child smiled and then remembered that little light that she kept seeing in her heart giving a glow of Love for all living beings.
The Lady stepped upon the shore and taking the child’s hand,told her to listen and to open her eyes wide. All went silent as they stood gazing into the waters and the soft waves curling over and over again at their feet leaving white lace on their toes.
Feminine Archetype, the Lady of the Oceans and her friend the Dolphin
At first she heard the silence as her heart beat slowed down after the encounter with the Lady of the Waters, then she heard a sound, like a whistling, was it upon the winds?
It could not be, for the day was so still. She listened and watched her eyes wide opened. The seas moved right in front of her, parting and she caught sight of a living shimmering being just beneath the waves and suddenly a fin emerged and then its head, the child recognized the dolphin with a happy smile swimming fast coming towards her. She jumped back!
And then it disappeared again! Joy stirred within her as her eyes just followed its movements within the waters tracking the elements to sense where the dolphin had gone. She was now standing knee high within the waters, tracking with her eyes, no sense of separation between them both following the flow of his form till she sensed they were just one being.
As the next wave rolled in, she watched the dolphin surfing towards her and as he touched her hand fully opened, for she wished to touch his nose, it dropped into her hand an object, it was a luminescent pearl with orbs of delicate opal light.
gifting the child
Here is the painting where the dolphin gifts the child the pearl, symbol of the soul.
The lady taking her hand now guided her, as they started walking along the shore line towards an area she had never dared explore alone before. She could see afar the entrance to a cave in the rock cliff where the gulls nested.
As they reached its entrance, the child pulled back, noticing how dark and deep the cave was. The Lady of Abundance Mother of all Life, reassured her, her presence just radiating gentle light so the cave was no longer foreboding but inviting.
You are being truly safe child, so do not fear for I am here with you to guide you too . A gentle warm feeling invaded her senses this was a new physical sensation as all her body started to relax and her heart rejoiced as she picked up the glow now from the lady of Abundance and from the pearl in the palm of her hand.
They kept on walking untill they reached a large underwater pool with beautiful blue and opal light colours. The lady of abundance sat down, the child suddenly aware that this place was now a safe harbour to go back to this she knew and felt deep within her own heart. For this was the inner sanctuary of her own heart. She started playing by the edge of the shallow pool.
The waters were truly inviting so the child stepped forward trusting the clear pool. The waters stirred once again right in front of her and from their depth her friend the dolphin came up to meet her while poking its happy nose against her feet ever so gently.
She went silent taking in the beauty and presence of the talented dolphin who circled and made clicking sounds towards her. He was a truly amazing aquatic mammal being, belonging to the water element playing in front of her eyes as he befriended her, sharing with her the values of joy and trust.
At first she just learned to stay very still in his presence, taking in the qualities it just expressed while swimming, then she just attuned her ears to a new way of listening as he moved within the waters and one day she truly heard his song within her own heart and her soul felt blessed.
Each day she returned to this underground pool, and his call announced his arrival. They weaved threads of trust and became true and faithful friends as she returned each summer season to that place by the ocean.
She learned to trust in her own intuition and to heed that inner voice which spoke with visions, truths and values unknown to her gifting her new ways of relating; that were kind and caring to all life and faith was kindled in her heart and soul once again.
As the years passed by, she returned to that sacred place having grown in trust and having bonded in her friend. Now he carried her upon his back playfully circling the cave, as she held tightly at its fins. His song merged with her laughter and little by little she found her balance and started exploring in all its fullness that inner world and the vault above her taking in its magic beauty.
The inner child learns how to be within the element of water